Saturday, September 22, 2007


Align Left

Your problem is not your problem:

You may think your problem is your problem, but your real problem is that you don’t know what your problem is.

Does that sound like a tongue twister? It isn’t meant to be. Let me clarify, your problem is your programming. From an early age we have been programmed according to the principles of this world. Performance-based acceptance. PBA.

If you were fortunate enough to be raised in a Christian home and taught the principle of God and was shown by example the ways of God and how to walk in love and forgiveness then you have been programmed, not brainwashed, and if you have continued to live this life then you shouldn’t have any major problems. However, there are no perfect families and since our programming began from the time we were born and approximately 80% of our personalities and character are developed by the time we are 5 or 6 years old, we may well have developed flaws or issues we are not even aware of now.

There are two ways for a Christian to walk in this world.

  1. According to the flesh.

A. This does not mean just doing bad things, it means that you are depending on yourself and your own abilities to met you needs apart from God

B. It means letting your mind and emotions rule in your life.

  1. In the Spirit.

A. This does not mean religious activity, it does mean allowing Jesus to live His life through you.

B. It means surrendering your will to God and trusting Him to provide for you.

3. The key concept here is the Christian life is not difficult to live, it’s impossible. Jesus Christ is the only one who ever really lived the Christian life. He is the only one who can live it today, and that is why we need Him to live through us.

Here are three basic points

A. Point 1: God is love. You were created by God to be loved unconditionally. Only God loves you unconditionally. Therefore you need God.

B. Point 2: God created laws or ways to govern the universe. All of His ways are good. (Refer to point l.)

C. Point 3: Each of us showed up on planet earth with the need to be loved. Instead of getting your need met God’s way, (refer to point 2) we have developed our own ways of getting our needs met. This is what the Bible calls ‘flesh’

D. Key concept—the cardinal sin of man is independence from God. Read the story of Adam I Genesis 3.

The human design: Spirit, soul and body. 1 Thess. 5:23









Stores memories, sends messages to the mind. The mind then either reacts to the will or the emotional part of the soul.



The spirit is that dimension of your being through with you relate to God. You are spirit, you have a soul, mind will and emotions, and you live in a body. And you have a brain. You brain is not your mind. It’s an organ, when your body dies, your brain is dead also. In fact, a person can be brain dead, and still have life in the body, even if it’s only on life support. But the brain is not your mind.

When we are born our spirit is dead to God, because of Adam. We inherit this condition from him. He was the first man to born again, but he was born from life to death, so that is why we must be born again, from death to life.

The soul this is from the same root word as psychology, and is our unique personality and comprised of three parts.

  1. The mind, this is your ‘thinker’. This is the part of you that analyzes data, like a computer, and makes recommendations to your will. The mind is the battleground; this is where satan attacks us with spirits of fear, doubt and worry, etc. The mind is the gateway to the spirit through the senses hearing, seeing, touch, smell, and speech. These input data to the mind, like software into a computer.
  2. The emotions, this is your ‘feeler’. The feeler responds to various stimuli and exerts influence on the will. This is where you experience your feelings, when you say “I feel sad” this is the emotional part of your soul.
  3. The will ultimately is where all decisions are made. It works like a light switch; it is either on or off. You don’t actually “make up your mind to do something” you make up your will. We are given free will from God, to choose Him or the world, we can’t have both, we can’t serve two masters, and He wants us to willing choose to love Him because He first loved us.
  4. The body this is our earth suit. This is where our spirits and souls live while we are on earth. It is our house. It is the vehicle through which we relate to other people and the environment.
  5. The brain is an organ of the body; it gathers, organizes and stores information as memories, some we recall, some we do not.
  6. We are spiritual beings with a soul; we live in a body. We are not a physical being with a spirit.


Both the mind and the emotions are quick to respond to stimuli, but the emotions are much slower to recover. For example, you see a rattlesnake in your path, your mind knows the danger and you emotions respond with fear. The adrenal kicks in; fight or flight is a most powerful emotion. However, after looking closer you realize it is not a rattlesnake, but a stick. You mind instantly understands and recovers, however the emotions are still in fight or flight mode. Eventually, the emotions will recover, but it may take a great while.

In this example, we can use the 1 though 10 scale. Seeing a rattlesnake would put my emotions on a scale of 10, being the highest. My mind would be around that, an 8 or a 9. Once I realized it was a stick, my mind would immediately return to 1, but my emotions would stay at 10 and gradually move to 9, 8. 7, and so on.

  1. When we are continually exposed to harmful stimuli our emotional scale can become ‘stuck’ high upon the scale. The saying, I feel like I have to walk on eggs around that person. Your emotions are continually high up on the scale and are never restored to 1.
  2. Abusive parents where you live in fear and dread can cause your emotions to get stuck.
  3. Abusive husbands or wives can cause your emotions to get stuck.
  4. Now in this type of situation, the brain, not your mind of reason, but your brain the storage center, continually receives this type of information and interacts with the mind, will and emotions in the same way. These programs become deeply ingrained in the brain.
  5. The brain then stores these programs, I have to perform well all the time to win approval and avoid punishment or criticisms.
    1. I have to be good enough to receive love.
    2. I have to be pretty enough to be accepted.
    3. I have to do everything right to be worthy.

These thoughts are deep in the brain, suppressed memories, and wrong data. Once we are born again, our spirits become new, our soul is to be renewed by the Word of God, we are to have the mind of Christ, we are to submit our will to the will of God, but what do we do about the brain and all those memories? Those programs are still at work in our flesh, remember, the brain is an organ and is our version of the flesh. This is where habits are formed; habits of feeling unworthy, habits of feeling unacceptable, unlovable. How do we deal with that?

This is our Egypt, you know the story, the Israelites cried so desperately to be free and after only three days of freedom they wanted to go back to Egypt. Not because they thought Egypt was so great, but it was familiar. Sometimes because of fear of the new walk, we will take the familiar over freedom, even when the familiar is bad.

A woman, who was abused by her father, will most likely marry a man just like him. And even though she may become free from this abusive husband, she will often marry another man who is also abusive. It’s a habit, it’s familiar, and it’s ingrained in her brain that she is so unworthy or unlovable that that is all she deserved. It’s her Egypt. She is not conscious of this attitude, but it’s there all the same.

If these feelings are not dealt with in a healthy manner they will express themselves in some form. Anxiety, Panic attacks, sickness in the body, ulcers, Fibromyalgia, socially unacceptable behavior, sleeping around, drunkenness, even to the extreme of violence and suicide or murder. There is no emotion that goes unexpressed!

3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou may Prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers.

The soul: mind, will and emotions.

Prosper: Grow stronger, thrive, and undergo a transformation or a change of position or action.

You can see from this that our physical health, and our ability to grow up and to grow as Christians are directly related to our soul, which is our mind, will and emotions’ state of being. If our emotions are always high up on the scale, in a constant state of fight or flight mode, then our soul is not prospering.


Remember the emotions and feelings are a part of the autonomic nervous system, like blinking and breathing. We cannot control them; we can only direct them. We can control our blinking when we think about it, that is our minds, our thinker which makes suggestions to our will. With our mind we can tell our will not to blink or to wink, or to hold our breath. But that is an act of our will giving in to the suggestion of our mind.

The memories stored in our brain, the programming of our emotions and feelings, are the key. If there is unforgiveness or bitterness or hurt stored in there, they will manifest in some form, either in acting out in anger, or physically and socially.


When you take bitterness, anger, hurt and unforgiveness, it is like drinking poison and waiting for some one else to die.

The only thing we can do is to own them in order to disown them.

If someone has caused you hurt, anger or offense, you DO have a right to these emotions, and feelings. And you can acknowledge them. You can confront the person and not allow these feelings to be stuffed down inside to fester and later manifest in some unhealthy form.

You however must give up you right to continue feeling these things. To hold onto them is pride. To give them up and forgive is humility. God can’t help a prideful person, but HE gives grace to the humble, and HE will exalt you and even prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies.

Some of these feelings may be recent, they may be hurts from the past, and some may even be repressed memories. But they need to be dealt with and done away with whatever the case.

You do this by an act of your will and faith in God. You first have to acknowledge the hurt in whatever form it is, then say “I take this emotions and feelings, (then name them, is it fear, rage, shame, low self-esteem…) and I put them to death on the cross. Now Lord, give me a glorious opposite. In my weakness is Your Strength!

Matthew 11:27-29

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Mark 11:25

And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Mark 11:26

But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

We are to cast all our cares, hurt, upon Him, He is able to bear it, in fact He has already bore it for us.

Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.

Remember, we are in covenant with God. What He has belongs to us, and what we have belongs to Him.

Our pains, and weaknesses, our feelings of worthlessness, shame, and anger all belong to Him, He will exchange Grace, Comfort, Love, Wisdom, Purpose and Honor if we will release these negatives unto Him and receive His goodness from Him.

Sometimes it is very painful to look back over our lives and remember past hurts. But the only way to be rid of them, to re-program ourselves, is to bare the pain in order to receive the joy.

Unforgiveness is a cancer; it must be put to death on the cross. When we forgive we are not saying that person is innocent, or that what they did is OK. We are releasing ourselves from a relationship of hurt and pain. We are freeing ourselves of poison in our lives. We are turning them over to a Just God, who will Himself avenge us, and give us peace.

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO OFFEND A HUMBLE PERSON THEREFORE: Humble yourselves under the mighty Hand of God, and He will lift you up.

Be quick to forgive, walk in love, and cleanse yourselves of past hurts.

Whenever a negative thought comes to your mind, say “God, I thank You for taking care of that!” By saying this we do 3 things.

  1. We are saying Lord, I am trusting you to fight all of my battles, and I know You are mighty in battle.
  2. I take all the fight out of me and put it into the principalities. We wrestle not against flesh and blood….
  3. I am resisting the devil. I’m not rebuking him; I am simply ignoring him. Thank you Lord for taking care of that. I am casting my care to the One Who is able to bear it.

When we speak a negative word or comment out of our mouth, we are to say aloud, “Cancel!” By saying this we mean:

  1. I used to think that way
  2. I used to feel that way
  3. I used to be that way
  4. But I’m not anymore; I am healed and whole.

Here are some confessions you could say every night and every new day (Remember His Mercy is renewed every morning):

  1. I choose life, the abundant life in Christ
  2. I choose blessings, the Blessing of Abraham has come upon me and overtaken me.
  3. I walk in God’s Love
  4. I walk in God’s Joy
  5. I walk in God’s Peace
  6. I walk in God’s Glory
  7. I walk in God’s favor
  8. I walk in God’s strength
  9. I walk in God’s prosperity
  10. I walk in God’s courage
  11. I walk in God’s diving healing.


Father, I take the burdens of your child and I give them all to You. For Your burden is light and Your yoke is easy. Come Holy Spirit and cleanse my spirit, mind, soul and body from all defilement.

Father, hide me in the cleft of Your rock, under the shelter of Your winds, under the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I ask You to loose Your angels and surround me as You did in Sodom and Gomorrah, and blind the enemy so that they will not be able to see me or find an opening in me. I pray this in Jesus Holy Name. Amen.

God is our ever-present Help in time of trouble; He is faithful to His Word to perform it. He always leads us in victory; He always causes us to triumph in Christ Jesus. You are worthy because Jesus made you worthy. Your price: The blood of the only begotten Son of Almighty God, which made you a joint-heir with Jesus Himself. He calls you brother/sister. He calls you justified. He calls you friend. God loves you as much as He loves Jesus. See yourself the way He sees you and walk in it through His strength.

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