Notice: The following information was taught and prayed about during morning prayer session this morning.
The Removal of Mountains
Serious obstacles often confront the servant of the Lord in his ministry for the bringing on of the kingdom. They seen as deep-rooted as the everlasting hills and as imposing in their bulk. They block the way to accomplishment of desired ends. They shut out the vision ahead. They balk the disheartened worker with their grim assurance of immobility. They seem to laugh at his discomfiture and to mock his prayers. And, as the months and years pass and no change is seen in their contour, he comes often to accept them as a necessary evil and to modify his plans accordingly. Such mountains of difficulty loom up on every foreign field; each home distract has its range with impassable serrated peaks towering ahead; few pastorates lack at least a “little hill.” They are too varied in their nature to particularize, but they are genuine and heartbreaking hindrances.
Concerning all such, the Master has assured His servants that they need not continue as obstacles to the progress of His work. The question of their removal is one of authority, the command of faith is the divine means of removing them out of the way: “Ye shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and it shall obey you.” The question involved is not that of an imposing faith, but that of an all sufficient Name. The worker has no power of himself to accomplish anything, but he is commissioned to wield the power of God. As he speaks to the mountain in the name of Christ, he puts his name on the dynamic force that controls the universe; heavenly energy is released and his behest is obeyed.
Authority is not prayer, though the worker who prays can alone exercise authority. Moses cried unto God at the Red Sea (Ex. 14:15), beseeching Him to work on behalf of His people, only to receive the strong reproof, “wherefore criest thou unto me? Speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward, And as he lifted his face in amazed protest because the way ahead was blocked by the impassable waves, Jehovah spoke again: “Lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it (Ex. 14:16). As the impotent arm of the lawgiver held over the waters the symbol of the authority of God, there was immediate response. “And the children of Israel want into the midst of the sea upon the dry ground: and the waters (which seemed at first a barrier impossible to overcome) were a wall (of protection) unto them on their right hand, and on their left” (Ex. 14:22).
God delights to delegate His power to men, when He can find believing and obedient servants to accept and exercise it. So when mountains rise in their way, the Lord commands His disciples to speak unto them and bid them depart into the sea. He gives no instruction to pray, although that is understood. There is essentially the same charge as was given to Moses: “You have asked Me to work; I have granted your request, but I choose to do the work through you; speak to the obstacle before you in My name, and it will obey.” As we obediently speak to the mountain before us, there may seem to be no immediate response. But as day by day we maintain the attitude of authority, knowing that we are commissioned to use the name of our Lord, there will come a trembling and a shaking and removing, and the mountain will slide from its base and disappear into the sea of forgetfulness.
God is endeavoring to train workers for a future and a mighty ministry of cooperation with His Son. He therefore has here and now conferred on them the privilege of sharing the authority with which Christ was endowed as the Son of Man. The burden of responsibility for its acceptance and its exercise lies with the individual believer.
This is the year of the open door and we believe that the word the Lord had given concerning this year is coming to pass! A few years ago, Jerry Savelle gave the following word and we are still claiming in for our city. This word was given May 14, 1989 in Minneapolis, MN:
“Breakthroughs are on the horizon. Breakthroughs,” saith the Lord of Grace.
”For in the field of technology there have been breakthroughs—in the field of medicine there have been breakthroughs, in the computer age there have been breakthroughs and now it’s time for a breakthrough in the Spirit.”
”It is time for you to go further than you have ever been before. It is time for you to experience My glory as you have never experienced before, for I have said that you go from faith to faith and from glory to glory. And it is time for a new dimension,” saith the Lord, “a breakthrough.”
”If breakthroughs can be experienced in the natural realm, why not in the Spirit? And this is the hour for breakthroughs. For I am going to enable you to experience a breakthrough in the Spirit realm where subduing kingdoms is concerned. You will begin to understand spiritual warfare as you have not known it in days past.”
”Some have seen but a glimpse, but in the days to come you will know it as a General. You will know it as a technician, you will know it as those who are experts in their field for I am raising up a people that shall be experts in spiritual warfare. I am raising up people that shall be technicians in spiritual warfare and they will not only know, but they will share and they will show and they will demonstrate and it shall be widespread and many kingdoms shall fall,” saith the Lord.
”For this is the day and the hour for breakthroughs. And your city is headed for a breakthrough. For I have heard the cry of those who are stirred in their hearts. I have heard the cry of those whose bones, whose spirit, whose soul are a fire and a flame. For it is time for the breakthrough. It is time. It is time that those who once knew Me who are now backslidden. It is time for them to return unto Me,” saith the Lord, “and soon you will begin to see many that left the faith shall return. And yea, there will be hundreds and even thousands,” saith the Lord, “who once were on the front lines, who have lost their zeal and lost their desire, they shall regain it and they shall return to Father’s house and they shall be returned to the front lines and engage in warfare.”
”For this is an hour,” saith God, “that there is a note of seriousness that I am causing to come upon the hearts of My people. Yes, it shall be fun and yes, yes it shall be glorious, but oh, the task that is ahead,” saith God, “will determine, will cause a determination, will demand a determination to walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh,” saith the Lord.
”For I have declared in My Word that this is the time that Satan would dispatch an army of seducing, deceiving spirits and if possible, he would deceive even the elect. But stand firm in My Word,” saith the Lord, “and do not allow that which I have revealed to you in day’s past slip, but hold it dear unto you. Embrace it. Confess it. Believe it, with the same energy that you did when you first heard it.”
”For this is the hour,” saith the Lord, “that you owe it to yourself to be so established that you cannot be deceived, so deeply rooted in Me and in My Word that you cannot be shaken. And come what may, you are on the Word to stay. For this is the hour of breakthroughs. This is the hour when those who have been diligent and those who have been faithful and those who have said, ‘My God, I will not allow myself to slide, but I will stand on our Word forever more,’ breakthroughs are headed for those people,” saith the Lord.
”Mighty breakthroughs in every realm of their life, yea, spiritually, financially. Yes, they will experience breakthroughs,” saith the Lord, “and I am no respecter of persons. I am willing to give you, yes, even you, that begin tonight. I will cause things to be accelerated and I will give you a breakthrough. So it is time,” saith the Lord, “to set your face as flint and say, ‘I shall not be moved, I am on the Word to stay, I will not let go of that which I have learned and those things which I have been taught, I will apply and I will endeavor to learn more,’” saith the Lord.
”And as you do, you are headed for a breakthrough. For this is the hour of breakthroughs,” saith the Lord. “So rejoice in Me and know that you shall be refreshed and you shall be revived and all that you have lost shall be recovered and yea, I will even raise you up,” saith the Lord, “in these days to invade the enemy’s camp and take back everything that he has stolen. For this is the day of breakthroughs.”
”This is the day of breakthroughs. Yea, many of you who have been faithful in your giving and publishing the Gospel, breakthroughs,” saith the Lord “in your finances are on the horizon. Some of you will be entrusted with more funds than you have ever dreamed of,” saith God, “for I can trust you. The breakthrough is coming. This is the day of the breakthrough. And yea, there will be churches, entire congregations who will experience breakthroughs,” saith the Lord.
”There will be breakthroughs in the city,” saith God. “There will be, in days to come, those who have opposed you the greatest. Many of them will be converted and become your strongest supporters. For breakthroughs are coming,” saith the Lord. “And those who have fought you the hardest, many of them will realize soon that you cannot be shaken and that they are fighting a lost cause and they will drop their carnal weapons and pick up spiritual weapons and join you” saith the Lord.
”For this is the day of breakthroughs. And there will be those who have said it can’t be, it will never come and they will be made to look as fools,” saith the Lord. “For this is the day of breakthroughs. Say not in your heart, ‘It can never happen here.’ For this is where my Spirit is near. For the Lord of the Harvest has come your way and you will begin to see more souls come each and every day. For the breakthrough is yours,” saith the Lord of Grace.
”So get ready. You have just begun to run the race. And the race before you, you shall run fast and you shall run strong and you will not give up. You will run the daylong. For this is the hour when you will see My power and the hour that you will see My grace. So know in your heart that I am the Lord that has spoken to you. So get ready, I said it. It will come to pass. THIS IS THE DAY OF THE BREAKTHROUGH!”
We have been commissioned to command His will in our city, in our state, our nation and the world. We have the authority. Why? Because He has given it to us!