Saturday, July 29, 2006

The Lord is my shepherd~~~~~~~~~

Jeremiah 33>6 " 'Nevertheless, I will bring health and healing to it; I will heal my people and will let them enjoy abundant peace and security. 7

Health~~ A healthy state of well-being free from disease
The general condition of body and mind

Healing~~ The natural process by which the body repairs itself
Tending to cure or restore to health
Heal or recover, Get healthy again, Provide a cure for, make healthy again

Heal~~ Provide a cure for, make healthy again

Peace~~ The state prevailing during the absence of war
The absence of mental stress or anxiety
The general security of public places


Harmony~~ quietness~~ tranquility~~ soundness~~ wholeness

Abundant~~ Present in great quantity, more than enough, overflow.

Security~~ The state of being free from danger or injury
Defense against financial failure; financial independence
Freedom from anxiety or fear
A guarantee that an obligation will be met
Measures taken as a precaution against theft or espionage or sabotage etc.

In that one promise/verse God has provided protection for spirit, soul and body, from sickness, injury, theft, fear, worry, finances, and He has given us the guarantee, the Holy Spirit, who is always with us to lead, guide, and comfort.

So that we may boldly proclaim: the Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not lack any good thing.

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